Affluence changes things
Affluence can change the heart. Wealth can make turn our focus.
Money is an amplifier of the heart. And the love of money can become overwhelming and a quickly become our master.
But my day to day existence I don’t often stop and think about these issues. So how does affluence, having more than enough money for our basic needs, affect us? Are all the effects bad?
Philosophers, preachers, teachers, observers, bloggers and those sorts love to talk about materialism and affluence. Materialism is a focus on stuff, money and what it can bring. But in my day to day, I don’t spend too much time thinking about it. In America currently we are arguably in the most affluent society in the history of the world. But I don’t often live daily in light of that fact. I just turn on my indoor plumbing and complain that it isn’t hot immediately to wash my face or take my shower.
I spread drinkable water on my lawn without a second thought. My cars live in better “housing” than most of the world. I can swipe a piece of plastic and have people make me a meal, cut my hair or clean my house. I have access to such vast information with the click of a mouse yet I get irritated when the webpage takes longer than 2 seconds to load.
Daily I ignore this unique affluence and expect, even demand the best. I overlook the beauty of a sunset, a child’s laugh and a friend’s time. Why? Because I’m busy, focused on other things and don’t stop to be grateful. I’m caught under the influence of affluence. Having more than enough cash for basic living has moved my heart away from gratitude. It has changed me.
I would say money can have negative effects—a dark side. This blog we’ll look at those issues, give solutions to curb its effects and examine how to live a more purposed life. A life focused on the long term. Ron Blue once said, “The longer range your perspective, the better your decisions today.” I agree. We need to live today in light of the longer perspective. Or to quote Steven Covey, “Begin with the end in mind.”
Let’s look to the longer term. Let’s examine the world around us from the distance of 7 generations. Make the family legacy longer than today. Let’s matter for eternity!